In the ever-evolving landscape of a warehouse, new workflows and code are very common. Testing remains an integral part of ensuring product quality and reliability.
However, manual testing brings a lot of challenges, including time constraints, human error, and scalability issues. It's time to embrace a paradigm shift by adopting automated software testing for Warehouse Advantage code!
Challenges in Manual Testing
Manual testing, while essential, poses several challenges that can impede the speed and effectiveness of the development cycle.
Lack of Scalability
Manual testing poses scalability challenges, especially in the context of WA's growing software testing needs.
Resource Intensive
Manual testing demands significant human resources and time, impacting overall productivity.
Increased risk of errors and inconsistencies due to manual execution of tests.
Automated Testing Benefits
By automating repetitive tasks, teams can focus their efforts on more complex aspects of testing, such as edge cases and user experience, improving overall product quality.
Automated testing streamlines the testing process, saving time and resources for WA.
Provides consistent and accurate test results, reducing the scope for human error.
Adaptable to the increasing demands for testing as WA's software landscape expands.
Challenges with Current Tools
While the concept of automated testing is promising, many existing tools on the market come with their own set of challenges. From steep learning curves to a lack of flexibility and integration capabilities.
Complex Configuration
Existing tools for automated testing are convoluted and hard to configure, leading to inefficiencies.
Current tools lack certain functionalities crucial for WA's specific testing requirements.
Integration Issues
Difficulties in integrating the current tools with WA's existing software infrastructure.
Unique Features of Our Solution
WA Tester, boasts a familiar interface, intuitive workflow, and seamless integration with Warehouse Advantage code (Architect Workflows)
Easy to Configure
WA Tester was designed to be easy to set up with seamless integration with Warehouse Advantage and a soft learning curve.
SQL Validation
Employs advanced SQL validation techniques for robust and comprehensive database testing.
Screen Validation
Offers sophisticated screen validation functionalities to ensure UI integrity and consistency.
Provides comprehensive reporting of test results simplifying the workflow for software engineers.
WA Tester Demo
The videos below show you how to create and run a unit test using the WA Tester.
Creating the Test Unit:
In this video, we walk you through the test unit creation. To do so, you have to run the process using the WA Tester terminal:
The result will be a .watest file with exactly what you need to run the unit test. You can change it to do more validations, such as SQL validations. For example:
|Move |
| |
|Scan the item number|
| on LP0001. |
| |
| |
|F2:TakeLP |
|Move |
| |
|Scan the location. |
| |
| |
| |
|F3:Done |
FROM t_stored_item
WHERE location_id = @source_loc
AND item_number = @item_number
AND hu_id = @hu_id
AND wh_id = @wh_id
Running a unit test with no errors:
Running a unit test with errors found:
Schedule a Demo
Ready to revolutionize your testing workflow? Schedule a personalized demo of WA Tester to enhance the efficiency and reliability of your Warehouse. Automated testing isn't just a trend; it's a necessity. Embrace automation to overcome challenges and deliver the desired quality in your WMS.
Email us at to schedule a demo.